Research Assignment 1


Lee Friedlander

Lee Friedlander was born in 1934 in Aberdeen, Washington, U.S.  He first started his career by taking photographs for label records as well as jazz musicians. He then became an influential artist during the 1960s and 1970s. Lee was mainly known for his photographs of the American social landscape in the 1940s, as well as self-portraits that he started later in the 1960s. All his photographs are asymmetrical in black and white. when he first started taking pictures, he would use any type of reflection such as car windows to complicate the viewing experience. He would then convert all of his work into dynamic compositions. Friedlander's main inspiration for taking pictures came from Eugène Atget, Robert Frank, and Walker Evans along with his travels. 

Lee Friedlander, New Orleans, 1970, © Lee Friedlander, courtesy Fraenkel  Gallery, San Francisco | ADAA     Photo essay. Lee Friedlander and the SIGNS o' the times


 André Kertész 

 André Kertész was an influential Hungarian photographer during the 1900s. André Kertész was known for his lyrical and formally rigorous pictures of the quotidian life. Aside from that, he also took pictures of people who inspired others such as painters, filmmakers, artists as well as writers. Almost all of André's photographs were all black and white. André's style was more on the personal side therefore there would always be a message behind every photo. His photographs are irregular. In fact, he had many diverse effects on his photographs. Kertész had an interest in movement as well as a gesture with a critical approach that analyzed abstract shapes which in the end allowed him to contribute it to his photojournalism. 

10 Lessons Andre Kertesz Has Taught Me About Street Photography - ERIC KIM     10 Lessons Andre Kertesz Has Taught Me About Street Photography - ERIC KIM





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